Researcher and practitioner with over 15 years experience in decision making and group facilitation.


Research and Teaching


I am an Associate Professor at the UCL School of Management, University College London. My research has been published in outlets including Science, Management Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Harvard Business Review. In 2023 I was named one of the Best 40 Under 40 business school professors by Poets & Quants.

Workshops and Training
I provide pro bono (free) workshops to charities and community organizations on a limited basis. These workshops cover topics from my practice and research including negotiation principles, communication skills, conflict resolution, facilitation, and group decision-making. Email me or use the contact form below for more information.

Research Overview
My research examines how teams, organizations, and societies can optimize their decision making.  My article in the Harvard Business Review provides a quick overview of how group intelligence can overcome cognitive biases and improve belief accuracy. This more recent one shows how things can still get a little complicated, and offers some more tips.

Google Scholar
My ongoing research examines how we can design communication processes to maximize collective intelligence with minimal intervention.

CV (pdf)
I teach a course on negotiation & decision-making and a course on technology & collective intelligence.


About Me


I am an Associate Professor at the UCL School of Management, University College London. I received my PhD in Communication from the University of Pennsylvania and completed a postdoctoral fellowship with the Kellogg School of Management. Prior to graduate school, I worked professionally in mediation and conflict resolution, spent some time managing training and coaching for a customer service department, and now serve as a pro-bono mediator and trainer. My research has been published in Science, Management Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and Harvard Business Review. Ask me about brunch.


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